Main Library
  Academic Terms Summer & Winter Sessions
Monday~Friday 08:00~21:00 08:30~16:30
Saturday 09:00~16:00 09:00~16:00
Sunday 09:00~16:00 Closed
National Holidays and University Closedown Holidays Closed
※In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted in library website or on the bulletin board.
※Extended Hours on Saturday and Sunday prior to the Exam Week: 09:00~20:00

Gengxin Yuan Study Commons
  Monday~Friday Saturday & Sunday
Academic Terms 09:00~19:00 Closed
Extended Hours for Exam Week
& the Previous Weekend
Saturday - 09:00~19:30
Sunday - 09:00~19:30
Summer & Winter Sessions,
National Holidays and University Closedown Holidays
※In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted in library website or on the bulletin board.

Media Resources Area
  Monday ~ Friday Saturday Sunday
Academic Terms 09:00~20:00 09:00~16:00 Closed
Summer & Winter Sessions 09:00~12:00 Closed Closed
National Holidays and University Closedown Holidays Closed
※In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted in library website or on the bulletin board.

Collaborative Learning Area
  Monday ~ Friday Saturday Sunday
Academic Terms 09:00~21:30 09:00~16:00 Closed
Summer & Winter Sessions 09:00~12:00 Closed Closed
National Holidays Closed
※In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted in library website or on the bulletin board.

Virtual Reality Corner(A、B)
  Academic Terms Summer & Winter Sessions
Tuesday 13:00~17:00 09:00~11:30
Thursday 13:00~17:00 09:00~11:00
Friday 10:00~12:00 Closed
Saturday & Sunday Closed Closed
※In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted in library website or on the bulletin board.